Žinet (EN: Ginette) 


Animated short film
Time: 03:16 minutes
Audio: field recordings 

This short film, made of 4 episodes, is about a blueberry, Ginette, who, led by a tasty smell of lemon grass she aims to find, strolls through a colorful landscape encountering absurd adventures and limitations of her movements. The film is about an endless search for vague things, about not knowing where to go and how to reach for lemon grass that grows too tall.

Za kopcom vonia
Citrónová tráva
V strmej stene
Smerom nahor
Mám chuť
Si kúsok odrhnúť
Kvapky potu
Na palcoch
Na oblých kameňoch
Padajú do vody
Pení sa
Sa mi nehodí
Bez zaliatych očí
Vidím ťa lepšie
Horúci dych
Netlačí v krku
Ako drobné ovocie
Z pohára marmelády
Chcem ísť
Neviem ako
Aróma citróna
Ostáva na mieste
Lemon grass 
Might be a match
But there is a catch
It only grows
In the cracks of steep walls